The T.B. Scott Free Library has a new way to make a charitable donation to the library. Your donations help provide additional library materials, eBooks or digital downloads, bring in an author or topic expert for a discussion, a magician to ‘uncover the magic of reading,’ provide new comfortable seating, or any other number of items that support library programs and services. Even a small gift to the T.B. Scott Free Library Endowment Fund makes a big difference. Take a look at the new “Donate to the Library” webpage: and make a donation as a way to give back to your community.
If you have questions, or prefer to make your donation in person, please contact Library Director Laurie Ollhoff at 715-536-7191 or by email:
Thank you for your continued support of your library.
#TBScottFreeLibrary #Merrilllibrary #buildingcommunity